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随着该行业面临气候变化的现实, many mines are committing to substantially improving their carbon footprint over the next decade. The 矿业 industry has embarked on a journey to accelerate sustainability and decarbonization.

“We’re getting a lot of enquiries from 矿业 customers that have committed to significant ESG targets,狄龙·麦金农说, SMS设备采矿技术经理. “他们问的问题是,我们如何用现有的技术开始减排呢?’”

这些选择通常用专业术语或缩写词(HVO)来描述, 名声, GTL, 线下, 石蜡的燃料, 等等......。...), making it difficult for decision-makers to make an informed comparison. This issue of Experts Corner will help clarify the issues so you can embark immediately on your journey towards net zero.


采矿业最近一直备受关注,因为柴油发动机, 传统采矿船队的动力是什么, constitute a significant contributor to greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. GHG and carbon reduction isn’t just a matter of dealing with regulators – the carbon footprint of a mine impacts the ESG targets of the mine’s customers as well.

The three-tier scope system best explains this for reporting GHG performance:


直接排放 从公司的设备,如柴油动力卡车和挖掘机. The most common category in 矿业 and subject to mandatory reporting.


间接排放 从二次能源,如电力. 还须进行强制性报告.


公司外部能源消耗产生的排放. This category of emission tracking is becoming more prevalent as increasing numbers of global corporations ramp up their targets. 而这一类别的报告是自愿的, emissions from 矿业 equipment affect the customers of a mine that may have elected to report 范围3 emissions as part of their ESG policies.

Many mines are looking at alternative fuels as a way to begin the journey today with their existing fleet.


生物柴油, 即脂肪酸甲酯, 最常见和最知名的替代柴油燃料是什么. 它是由大豆制成的, 油菜, vegetable oils or animal fats and is blended with traditional diesel fuel to improve the overall GHG performance.

它的使用, 然而, 是有限的, including the potential requirement to significantly modify vehicle fuel systems and fuel stations if the blend of bio-diesel to diesel exceeds 5%. 生物柴油也有可能导致燃料过滤器堵塞, 寒冷天气性能问题, 还有一些长期储存的问题.

With some limitations, 小松 has approved using up to 20% bio-diesel blends in their engines. 生物柴油

可再生柴油, 或HVO(加氢处理植物油), 与传统的生物柴油相比,有了显著的改进. 它可以作为柴油的替代品(高达100%), with no blend-wall limitations) with no modifications to the vehicle fuel system or fuel station equipment. It is also stable in long-term storage and does not block fuel filters.

“HVO is appealing because it is a drop-in fuel that is very similar to diesel at a molecular level,麦金农说。. “然而,它不含硫,因此被认为是一种更清洁的柴油.” The fuel density of renewable diesel is lower than standard diesel fuel. 正因为如此, it does result in a slight decrease in power (1-2%) and a slight increase in fuel consumption.

While the particulate emissions are lower than diesel, the tailpipe GHG emissions are similar. 净温室气体排放量的显著改善是什么, which take into account the carbon sequestered from growing the crops that produce the fuel. 麦金农说:“这与化石燃料衍生的柴油非常相似。. “区别在于制造柴油的来源.”

可再生柴油目前的价格高于传统柴油, 而且在很多地方供应有限. 然而, with the rising prices of petroleum diesel and market availability set to expand rapidly, 这一差距正在迅速缩小.

小松还批准了石蜡燃料(HVO), GTL, etc) for 小松 engines as long as they follow fuel standards EN 15940 and ASTM D975.

石蜡燃料可以用于带有DPF和SCR的发动机吗? 是的. Approval to use covers engines equipped with or without DPF and with or without SCR after-treatment systems. 关键是要确保燃料符合EN 15940标准.

氢是地球上最丰富的资源之一, 燃烧时零碳排放, 并且可以由绿色能源生产. “康明斯, 我们大型采矿设备的柴油供应商, is working on developing a 中期-term solution for an internal combustion engine to run on hydrogen,麦金农说。. “It will be a compression ignition engine –a cross between a diesel and an internal combustion engine.” The developments of this solution will start with smaller displacement on highway engines to develop a fuel-agnostic engine.

另一项重要技术是氢燃料电池, 它们通过电化学反应产生电力. They share an advantage with batteries because cells can join together to increase power output. The technology has the potential to significantly outperform batteries because energy density is higher, 而不是充电, 它只需要确保燃料供应是可用的. 加油时间将与今天的柴油非常相似. In partnership with Cummins Diesel, 小松 is developing a hydrogen-powered 矿业 truck.

然而,也存在着重大挑战. “The volumetric density of hydrogen is much lower than diesel or gasoline,麦金农说。, “so you’d need a fuel tank about three times as large to get the same capacity and range.”

Another challenge is that most hydrogen today is produced from natural gas and is carbon intense, so green alternatives and the infrastructure to bring it to market will have to be scaled and deployed.


全国最大的彩票平台 is actively involved in that journey with many customers – participating in tests, 促进与小松和康明斯等供应商的关系, 并向决策者通报最新的解决方案. "Our role is to support the technology, bring everyone together, and work through this journey. 今天已经在应用即时解决方案, 新技术正在进行工程测试, 原型机正在为商业生产进行优化。”, 麦金农说.


“向低碳经济的转型正在进行中, 随着加速转型的压力与日俱增,狄龙说, “hence the conversation needs to be around the question of how we get there. 最终, 没有“一种解决方案”——它将是多种解决方案的组合, 中期, and long-term solutions that must be uniquely tailored to each customer to suit their application's requirements.”

例如, hydrogen may work as the ideal solution for a customer with readily available access to hydrogen, with no access to clean hydroelectricity and having to deal with frigid temperatures. 相反,一个 电池小车解决方案 可能是其他应用程序的理想解决方案吗. 

确保对可用的技术选项有充分的了解, 现在和将来, 采用方面的考虑是必不可少的. The technology best suited for a particular 矿业 operation can depend on many factors, 包括材料, 采矿方法, 位置, 基础设施的可用性. The most likely journey to net zero will begin with renewable diesel as an immediate interim step to improve emission performance today wile preparing for the technologies of tomorrow.
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